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13/06/2019Advertise on Big Telegram channels
03/08/2019You’ve put a lot of time into creating a Telegram channel. Now you need people to join it. Advertise Telegram on big channels
Advertise on Telegram Channels:
You can buy Telegram members, but the best way to get real effective members is advertising on Telegram big channels.
Advertise on relevant Telegram channel to grab real active Telegram members. Increase targeted Telegram channel members.
You can submit your Telegram channel/group.
To Advertise on top channels contact with admin
Frankly, that’s the hard part. The Telegram channels are huge. With millions of Telegram channels on just about every topic you can imagine, you’ve got a lot of competition to capture people’s attention.
You can’t expect to launch your Telegram channel and wait for your members to join it. For people to join your Telegram channel, you have to work to get it in front of them. Luckily, there are a lot of different tactics you can use to make that happen and some of them are even free!
If your Telegram channel doesn’t have a budget to put toward promotion, you still have some powerful ways to start reaching new Telegram channel members. The catch is that, what you save in money, you should expect to spend in time.
Most of these tactics will require a significant time commitment (although notably, you can save the time if you have money to spend on hiring a professional to do these for you).
Advertise Telegram channel on big channels
Creating accounts on the various social media sites is completely free, as is sharing your link of Telegram channel.
You don’t have to be on every single social media channel—for most Telegram channel owners that would be overwhelming. Take some time to research where your audience is most likely to be and how they use the different sites. And consider which social channels are a fit for your Telegram channel.
If your audience generally prefers written content over video, then you may not need to be on YouTube. A photography Telegram channel should definitely be on Instagram, but one that’s light on images may do better on Facebook and Twitter.
Whichever social media channels you decide to go with, there are a few best practices worth keeping in mind:
Tailor your messaging to the channels. If you promote your Telegram channel on both Instagram and LinkedIn, you’ll need to take different approaches to each.
Promote your Telegram channel more than the general Telegram channel. Including your Telegram channel in your social media bio makes perfect sense, but tweeting out a link to just the homepage usually doesn’t. You’ll get more results if you drive people to pages on your Telegram channel that include helpful content.
Do more than just promote your Telegram channel. A common mistake people make on social media is to treat it only as a platform for promotion, when it’s supposed to be social—it’s right there in the name. Do drop your Telegram channel link into your bio and share your awesome content with your followers, but also devote some time to interacting with other people on the site. Share and respond to their stuff and look for opportunities to join conversations and communities.
Advertise your Telegram channel on big channels
To Advertise on top channels contact with admin
Think before you share. Social media faux pas are far too common. Don’t let the fast, transitive nature of social media make you lazy. Proofread your social media posts and make sure everything you share is something you’re willing to stand behind.
Social media is one of the most powerful free tools for promoting your Telegram channel, but getting something out of it without sinking all your time into it can be a challenge. Be thoughtful and strategic about which sites you use and how you use them.