Get free Telegram members
14/02/2019Telegram Post exchange
14/02/2019Telegram link exchange
Telegram link exchange is a good deal that operates similarly to admins of Telegram channels & groups.
Admin of Telegram exchange their posts with another channels and groups to get more members.
Best deal
No money need package for new Admins:
1000 members, Just for 1k view for my post
No money, But honey.
We don’t need to access your admin area, for start just send me your Channel or Group link, and share my post. 1k view = 1k member
That runs the exchange, and in turn receive from the Telegram link exchange which they insert into their Channels or groups.
In contrast to a Telegram channel, where theTelegram link exchange simply comprises simple circular ring navigation Posts, in a link exchange thePosts causes the display of banner advertisements, for the Channels & groups of other members of the exchange, on the member of Telegram, and admins have to create such banner advertisements for their own Telegram channels & Groups.
The banners are viewed from the exchange. A monitor on the exchange determines, from referral information supplied by Telegram channels and groups.
How many times a Post has displayed the banner advertisements of other members, and credits that member with a number of displays of its banner on some other member’s Telegram link exchange. Link exchanges usually operate on a 2:1 ratio, such that for every two times a member shows a second member’s banner advertisement, that second member displays the first member’s banner advertisement. This Post impressions:credits ratio is the exchanged posts.
We don’t need to access your admin area, for start just send me your Channel or Group link, and share my post. 1k view = 1k member.