Telegram Post exchange
टेलीग्राम पोस्ट एक्सचेंज
14/02/2019How to exchange Post in channels and group in a telegram?

The exchange is divided into several categories, such as a list exchange and rotational exchange in the manager’s list of posts that you must forward to the channel, but in rotational exchanges (the exchange of banners is also called), every channel admin has a banner, which you also have a banner You should advertise and you have to publish all banners with your own banners on your channel. Of course, the time and number of banners depends on the group admins and the number of participants.

Note that each exchange group accepts private channels, such as from 1k to 10k or from 20k to the top, and that your channel must have the same amount of members that you can enter into the exchange. Avoid insulting insult and do not get rid of pornographic channels to exchange.