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Buy Telegram Subscribers
26/02/2019Its impossible to buy Telegram members with cash.
Because its a virtual service ,its not a phisical product to send phisically.
We accept payments by Paypal (PP), Skrill, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM) & Western Union (WU).
Ask Salva
You can buy Telegram members, but the best way to get real effective members is advertising on Telegram big channels.
Advertise on relevant Telegram channel to grab real active Telegram members. Increase targeted Telegram channel members.
You can submit your Telegram channel/group

Business in the cyberspace telegram
The virtual telegraph is the largest media group in Asia, each with its own cell phone. Business development and promotion of people’s text through telegraphic channels is one of the most cost-effective and lucrative cases of virtual commerce because you need to spend on your own products or your content to spend on a high cost, office rentals You do not have the shop and other expenses, and more visits can be made through different people. Creating a channel and registering it in a telegram is easy. The problem that can be faced with this type of business is the increase in the number of users and how to increase the members of the channel or in the term of the channel. In this paper, we will explore a variety of ways to enhance the quality of content production and the purchase of a members telegram.
Increasing the telegram membrane with the attractive content production method
One of the practical methods with a lower percentage of error in the chipping of the canal can be mentioned in the production of appropriate content and the publication of interesting, original and used by the audience. In general, anyone who creates a public telegram channel allows the addition of 35 members a day and a total of 200 members. Therefore, adding more than this number is possible with methods such as the production of appropriate content or the purchase of membranes. Increasing the number of membranes has a great influence on joining people and trusting your channel, and more psychologically, more people are attracted to channels with higher number of members, so paying attention to ways to increase the frequency of telegrams is of particular importance.
We accept payments by Paypal (PP), Skrill, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM) & Western Union (WU).

Recommendations for increasing the members of Telegram
- Create original and creative content
- Put the information of admins in the info channel so that members can communicate with admins.
- Use beautiful and attractive images
- Design an engaging logo and place it in the corner of your photo or text
5 use hashtags to categorize your channel content
- At the end of each post, write your channel id
- Keep the channel updated with new content
- Use link exchanges with crowded channels
- Channel advertising on other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Web site and Instagram.
- Generate public channels
- Create short links
- Send short posts and 3 sentences
- Providing educational video
- Enhance your channel & groups by Buying members & views.