بازدید پست کانال تلگرام
10/03/2019buy telegram post views
By purchasing postal telegraph packs, you can increase your channel posts to the required number.
Each time you increase the number of posting increments, the increase will increase by up to 50 your channel posts.
Packages of one-day, weekly, and monthly views are considered for purchase.
For tips before registering a purchase order, visit the Telegram. Be sure to read the description below.
We accept payments by Paypal (PP), Skrill, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM) & Western Union (WU).
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Important notes for ordering ordering visit postal telegrams:
Be sure to read
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Visits are virtual and apply to the last 50 posts of your channel.
When filling out a postal telegram visit, fill in a valid email that you have access to. A receipt will be sent to your email that is required to track the order
When filling out a paid posting receipt form, enter your username (ID) of your channel or your public telegram (telegram.me/your channel) link in the relevant section.
The link in your telegram channel or your telegram channel username is the same as when you have chosen to register for your telegram channel.
To complete your ordering, visit our postal telegram only on the ID of your telegram channel.
Avoid joining the channel link.
After paying by bank transfer, complete the purchase option and wait for it to return to the site. If the order is successful, the order will be sent to your email.
We always try to make orders for you as soon as possible, but in some cases due to the definite servers, the order may be delayed.
You can buy Telegram members, but the best way to get real effective members is advertising on Telegram big channels.
Advertise on relevant Telegram channel to grab real active Telegram members. Increase targeted Telegram channel members.
You can submit your Telegram channel/group