Telegram sotib olish
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26/11/2018Telegram Groups
a lot of talk and write. Big brands come here, create channels and bots, and in chat rooms concentrated professional communities are formed by industry. Many have tried to make their own channel, but not everyone has succeeded. By this I mean not only the high quality of content by professionals and readers, but also – it sounds ridiculous – earnings.
On the channel in the Telegram you can really earn if you unleash it. I created the channel “Journalism” in May, and now it has 1,900 subscribers, and an advertising post costs 2,000 rubles. Is it easy to promote the channel and turn into a source of income? I’ll tell you now.
Real Members that You can test
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Free Members
Free Telegram Members
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Each 1000 member only for 5$
Delivery can take 1 day
At this time deliveries are only possible for Channels and Groups.
We ourselves at the agency took advice from this guide and launched our channel – Tru.Marketing. Useful articles about Internet marketing, debriefing and case studies. Digest every monday.
Telegram-channel “Former” sold twice a month. The first time the transaction amount was 1.2 million rubles, the second – 5.5. Some rushed to create channels, hoping in the future to get profit from this. Only the new creators of the channels have forgotten that such a topic can shoot only once. In the CIS countries, the first wave of Telegram is already rolling, so it will take a lot of efforts and a budget to buy advertising to promote the channel.
Not everyone is ready to spend money on the PR of their product, so they prefer to try free ways of promotion first. Whether they will be effective depends on the content and the proportion of luck.
Free ways to promote
The time spent on manipulating the channel may not pay off due to the number of channels, the similarity of topics that have become incorrectly stars. But if you do not have a budget, then it is necessary to try out all these methods. It is better to do and regret, than to sit and guess.
Real Members that You can test
Add 1k members+gift to Telegram channel for $5 & Free Members for Telegram Channel

Free Members
Free Telegram Members
Enlarge your Telegram Channel by buying cheap Telegram Channel Members!
Each 1000 member only for 5$
Delivery can take 1 day
At this time deliveries are only possible for Channels and Groups.
Word of mouth
The first thing that can and should be done is to place the link in all social networks. Someone will subscribe to support for the number, someone will be interested in the topic of the channel, and someone just watching you, because a maniac. In any case, the first few dozen subscribers are provided to you. Well, if you are a media person or a well-known specialist in your niche, word of mouth may work even better than buying advertising.
Publication in free directories:
add-groups.com – publication on the site is moderated. To get to the directory, you need to add a description of the channel in addition to the name of the channel.
telegrambots.info – the editors of the catalog accept only Russian-language channels, chats and bots. Important: bots created using the Manybot service are not accepted.
telegram-club.ru – directory for channels, chats and bots. There is a convenient search on the site, which searches for words not only in the title of the topic, but also in its description.
50bots.com – site in English. You can add channels and bots “Telegram” and “Facebook.”
protelegram.ru – you can get into the catalog for free only if there are more than 500 subscribers on the channel, and the content does not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
telegram.tabledo.com – service accepts channels from 1500 subscribers.
tgram.ru – it is doubtful that this directory will lead subscribers. It seems he is dead. But for free.
If you know more free directories – write. I chose live at first glance websites with a little feedback from visitors — rating star rating or the number of transitions. But it is worth noting that free directories are so littered that it will be difficult to get a quality audience.
Real Members that You can test
Add 1k members+gift to Telegram channel for $5 & Free Members for Telegram Channel

Free Members
Free Telegram Members
Enlarge your Telegram Channel by buying cheap Telegram Channel Members!
Each 1000 member only for 5$
+1000 memebr for free
Delivery can take 1 day
At this time deliveries are only possible for Channels and Groups.
Mutual PR
Owners of small channels often offer barter PR – they mention your channel, bot or chat, you – about them. I advise you to look for small channels with a similar theme – in them the audience will be most warm and ready to support your project. For example, few channel subscribers about losing weight will want to learn about blockchain and bitcoins.
Paid promotion options
No one guarantees a mad flow of subscribers. You only get coverage. A channel will grow readers or not, depends only on the content and strategy of the channel.
Advertising purchase
If you plan to advance through the purchase of advertising, but do not know who to contact, then you have a direct route to the Telegram advertising exchange and to the channels for the sale of advertising places.
The joint project of the Sociate service and the Combot service has been running for over a year. The main convenience of the exchange is that when searching, you can select any suitable parameters:
subject matter;
number of subscribers;
CPM (cost of advertising for 1000 impressions);
age of the channel.