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How to increase the channel membership of the telegram?
Increasing the members of the telegram channel is the most important concern of channel owners in this mobile social network. In this article we will teach you the most effective ways to increase the members of the telegram channel. Stay with us.
You can buy Telegram members, but the best way to get real effective members is advertising on Telegram big channels.
Advertise on relevant Telegram channel to grab real active Telegram members. Increase targeted Telegram channel members.
You can submit your Telegram channel/group

Initially, it should be noted that increasing the number of telegram members in unusual ways such as robots and software found on the Internet over many days is not only not effective. It will, in most cases, waste your time and money. The techniques presented in this article for increasing the members of the telegram channel are all perfectly standard, effective and practical. Therefore, it is advisable instead of thinking of shortcuts and methods. Unusual, stay up to the end of this article.
You need members, Ask SALVA about conditions
The channel’s owner and builder as the main manager can add up to 200 mutual contacts (Mutual Contacts, which means you have their number and they have your number) at the beginning of the channel. This operation has been given to the channel builder to start the work and start channel activity as an appropriate stimulus from the telegram to allow the channel to grow more quickly. But the big problem with this method is that the membership of the individuals takes place without their knowledge and satisfaction, and may cause discomfort and the possibility of leaving the channel.
Many friends ask me during this period, for example, how to enter a list of numbers (like Excel, text, etc.) into channel members? Or, for example, how can we add more than 200 people to the channel? And questions like this. We should let all friends who have these questions know that only 200 of Mutual contacts can be added to the channel. It’s not possible to add a list of numbers or more contacts to the manager at this time, and maybe add in later versions of the telegram such capabilities that I think are unlikely to be.
1- Presentation and production of relevant and valuable content
I have to admit that the best way to attract the audience to the content channel is to make the channel’s audience more likely to reshuffle it in the other groups that they are affiliated with and the members of those groups seeing the content you redirected from your channel and liked it. They are encouraged to join your channel. For this purpose, the following recommendations may be helpful:
Select the appropriate logo image and description for your channel.
At the end of each post (text or image) that you post on the channel, put the channel id or URL (link) on it, so if the channel posts are forwarded by members again, a channel link is also sent.
If you are in groups, you publish the content of your channel with its link below in the groups to be handled by members of the groups. This is one of the most effective ways. Remember, be sure to use the photo and the link in the channel ad.
2- Choosing the right theme
First, set the goal of making the channel and do not change the link and subject of the channel after a while. Try to publish content related to the name and background of the channel to prevent the loss of members. For example, if in a channel whose name and description it finds to be a scientific channel it is comic or political, some members may not like this and leave the channel.
Also, the channel theme itself plays a key role in its future. For example, entertainment channels featuring humorous content are better than commercial, scientific, and … channels in attracting members.
3- Perform link exchange with other channels, especially high-end channels
Another way that can help your channel members grow very fast is to advertise on the channels of the audience in the telegram itself, which is done in two ways: advertisement and money advertising.
In the cross-promotional approach (also known as Link Exchange), you can agree with another channel manager that you advertise your channel on your channel and instead advertise your channel on your channel. . What you see on many channels these days. Of course, channels usually share the same number of members.
Another important point is that link exchanges are appealing in an elementary period, but excessive use of it results in poor channel quality and the reason for leaving the channel by members. Try to do it twice a day or so.
In the second method, which is dedicated to channels with members of more than 100,000 people, channel managers will receive money to advertise your channel on their channel.
4- Channel advertising in other media
One of the other effective ways to increase the members of the Channel Telegram is the dissemination of information and the URL of the channel on the Internet. To do this, you can share your channel information by searching Google and finding websites that share the list of channels in the telegram, for example by posting comments (comment) and …
Also, other social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Line, etc. can also be useful.
5- Keep a member more important than attracting a new member
One of the most important ways to increase the members of the Channel Telegram is to keep them on the channel. That is, you should be able to create a gravity channel that, if a new member is entered into the channel, is encouraged to stay in the channel. In all channels, there is always a member of the organ, but in many of them there is a loss of members that is not seen as a growth in the number of members, but a decrease in the number of members to be palpable.
- Teamwork continuous
The Telegram channel has the ability to select multiple administrators, if you know the trusted people, they will be admins to help you publish your channel content. By producing higher quality content, the likelihood of their release in other categories and the attraction of the member will increase. Of course, try not to be the channel administrators because you may be bouncing around the roof and by channeling a lot of members due to the lack of time to check all of them to leave the channel.
Another thing is that if the channel has multiple administrators, you should always have an online manager under an existing program. Interact with your managers so you can publish more valuable content.
You need members, Ask SALVA about conditions
How to increase Telegram subscribers?
Try to be a public channel type, each user can have 4 public channels. Because public channels are displayed in users’ search results, this can be one way of attracting members.
As far as possible, try to shorten the channel link so that users can easily remember it and have trouble typing it. However, the selection of the appropriate ID is now difficult due to the large number of channels.
Repeating the content will diminish the charm of the channel. So avoid posting duplicate entries.
Publish content based on a specified timeline. You do not have to publish 100 articles in one hour and do not publish anything on the rest of the day. Also, try not to post anything in your telegram from 12:00 to 9:00. If this is the case, you can exclude users from the channel. It will go up a lot.
All of the above is the right way to increase the number of members of the telegram channel. However, the best way to increase members of the channel is to generate valuable content, and having a bit of patience and continuity in its content production will keep the day fast Will be more.