How To Install Telegram On Linux?
04/02/2022Normally, every application enters the market with a list of different features. When it comes to Telegram, the list of features it offers looks like a never-ending list. You can start a secret chat in Telegram, make a voice or video call, create and promote channels and groups, etc.
The features we mentioned just include some basic features of Telegram, so don’t forget about more specialized features like pin a message in Telegram.
This feature may look simple when you hear about it for the first time, and it is! You might be surprised if you know how such a simple feature can help you as a Telegram user. Therefore, let’s see how to pin a message in Telegram.
Why Pin a Message in Telegram?
Although you may have heard about pinned messages, you may not be fully aware of their functionality. For this reason, what is pinned message meaning?

pin a message in telegram
When you pin a message in a group or channel, you select the desired message or chat to locate on the top. As long as the message is placed there, regardless of how many messages are sent and received after that, your message will still be pinned at the top of the group and visible to everyone.
And still, why do you need to pin a Telegram message? the pin message feature is useful in cases you want to announce something to every single member of a group and you want them all to read your message. In this case, the best thing to reach a huge audience is to pin the message. So that everyone can see and read your message.
This feature prevents losing the message in the bulk of messages. Altogether, pinning a message leads to not only making aware the existing members but also will notice every newcomer member that joins the group.
The only vital point that you should keep in mind is only admins can pin something in the public groups. On the other hand, every member of private groups is allowed you pin a message.
Step by step pin a message in different devices. Do you wanna to buy Telegram members with cheap price? just go to shop page.
Are you an android or iOS user or do you prefer to use Telegram on desktop? No matter what device you use to log in to Telegram. Due to you can always pin a message.
Pin Your Messages in Android Devices
If you have an android phone or tablet and you are looking for a way to pin a message on your Telegram android, keep reading the instruction:
- First, open your android Telegram.
- Second, tap on a private or public group you want to pin your message on (depending on whether you are an admin in the public group or not).
- Third, tap on your desired message.
- After that, choose the “pin” option from the pop-up menu.
- Once you saw the “do you want to pin this message in this group?” message, tap on “ok” and confirm the procedure.
Now, you can see your message pinned on the upper side of the group. When you pin a message in a Telegram group, just the beginning of the message is visible. As a result, if you are asking how can I see pinned messages in Telegram, the answer is to read the full context of the message you have to tap on it. In this way, Telegram will navigate you to the original message you pinned.

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Pin Messages in IOS
don’t worry if you are an iOS user, you can still pin a message on a group if you act like this:
- First of all, follow the first and the second steps of the previous instruction.
- Then, tap and long press on the message you want to pin.
- Finally, select the “pin” option from the menu.
This leads to pinning your message in a group, in case you use iPhone or iPad.
Pin A Message in Desktop
Unfortunately, the Telegram desktop is not designed to offer all of the options available in Telegram iOS and android. However, pinning a message is an option that is available in the desktop version too. Consequently, you necessarily don’t have to switch Telegram desktop to the phone version of it to start pinning a message. Follow these easygoing steps to pin your message in the desktop version of Telegram:
- Before anything else, open Telegram on your desktop.
- Next, go to a group.
- After that, right-click on the message you want to pin.
- Then, select the “pin message” option.
- At last, click on “ok” to confirm.
As you see pinning a message on a desktop contains no difficulty at all. It is also resembling android and iOS procedures.
Some users may wonder is it possible to pin a message on the Telegram web? The answer is no. group members can only see and read the pinned messages in a group, but they can’t pin one.
How to Unpin Messages In Telegram?
Since you learned how to pin a message in Telegram, now it’s time to learn how to unpin it. Unpinning a message in Telegram mostly depends on the device you use. Therefore, we are going to explain the pinning a message procedure in all devices.

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There are two methods to unpin a message in Telegram android:
The first method:
- First, tap on the “cross” sign you see on the right corner of the pinned message.
- Then, choose “unpin”.
The second method:
- Tap on the pinned message one time.
- After that, tap on the “unpin” icon.
Unpinning a message on iPhone or iPad is like this:
- Tap and press on the pinned message.
- Then, select “unpin” from the menu.
To unpin a message on Telegram desktop, you have to follow the steps mentioned in the android procedure:
- At first, click on the “cross” icon on the pinned message.
- Second, click on “unpin”.
You can also right-click on the pinned message and then select “unpin” from there.
Final Words
As you can see, pin a message in Telegram and after that unpin it is an easygoing process, no matter what device you use. As a result, learn and use it in your groups if necessary.